Today was an interesting day. I went to a handbell practice. I did handbells in middle school and when I got a flyer about it at the fresher’s fair I decided to try it out again. When I did handbells there were about 15 people and we each rang two to four bells that were small hand held bells. It was really fun, so I decided to try it out here. When I got there it was not at all what I expected. We were actually ringing the steeple bells in the church we were in.
We were in a small room just below the bell tower and we pulled on huge ropes to ring the bells. When they're tied up the ropes kind of look like nuces. They aren't I promise, you have to untie them before you ring
I only got to try it out a little bit. I mostly watched them play. It was really cool. I’m going to start going to the new members practices on Wednesday nights.
After the bell practice I met Rebecca at the mall. We were planning on going to a bop later and wanted to get outfits for the theme “out of this world.” We didn’t really find anything to wear but we did get some glitter spray.
When we got back Zoya came up to get ready for the bop with us. A bop is a themed dance party. Each college has a few during a term. We all painted stars on our faces in eyeliner and sprayed glitter in our hair. At first there was almost no one there and it seemed like it was going to be very boring and then about half an hour later there were so many people there we couldn’t hardly move in the room. It was fun for a while but eventually it got too hot and crowded and I was happy to leave. On the way home we stopped at the kabob stand again. I got a cheeseburger and it was amazing. I’m going to have to limit myself on going to that place.
I’m going to stop blogging every day and only do so when I have a lot to say or something exiting to talk about. See you again then.
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