Monday, 13 October 2008

Day Three

October 2

Today was a very interesting day. Our two lectures this morning were on English architecture and the spirit of England. Both were very interesting and informative. The one on architecture was an explanation on the differences between Norman, gothic, and classical architecture and how to recognize the style when looking at the building. It’s so cool to look at buildings that are that old and to know how and why they were constructed in that way. The second lecture was even more interesting. It was a very interactive lecture where we told him things we thought represented the true spirit of England and then he would go off and discuss how that particular person or event shaped England as it is today. We talked about rock music, the queen, Shakespeare, Jane Austin, Churchill, and world war two. I would say today’s lectures were the best.

This afternoon we met with our advisors. Basically they just told us who out tutors were for our tutorials and how to contact them. My tutorials are Physical Chemistry (P-Chem) and Shakespeare. I met Robert Jacobs, my P-Chem tutor, yesterday and arranged a meeting with him. My tutor for Shakespeare is Ed Clark. I e-mailed him to find a time to meet and begin that tutorial.

After that meeting I went to the supermarket with Andrea for some essentials. We haven’t had a chance to do that yet since almost everything closes at five except pubs and clubs. We had dinner in the flat since we finally have food J.

After eating we went to Charlie and Chris’ house. Today was Charlie’s 21st birthday. I walked over there with Andrea, Rebecca, Bill (from across the hall), and Maria and Zoya (from downstairs). It was a lot of fun. A lot of people were drinking but I just tried to get to know more people. I feel like I’m not getting to know people very well because we have so many lectures. It was a lot of fun to sit around and talk with people tonight.

I’m still feeling a bit tired from the jet lag. Hopefully that goes away soon.

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