Friday, 12 December 2008


Today was thanksgiving and I was really sad not to be at home. I love thanksgiving for some reason. It is defiantly my favorite holiday. This obviously is not a British holiday and therefore we were all on our own mostly for celebration. OSAP had a wonderful lunch for us. We had turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie. The pie was really bad though. They don’t eat pumpkin pie here, in fact most of them have never heard of it. It was very nice of them to have that lunch for us though and I really appreciated it.

After the OSAP lunch we went grocery shopping to prepare our own Thanksgiving dinner. It was quite modified but still wonderful. We got a whole chicken because it was cheaper and we could not find anything to make pumpkin pie of our own so we had chocolate cake. We also made stuffing, corn, green beans, and mashed potatoes with gravy. It was a wonderful dinner. There were tons of people here eating and we made a horrible mess but it was fun. We had Rebecca, Andrea, Katrina (a friend of Andrea’s who is studying in Seville), Bill, Lee (a friend of Bill’s from Liverpool), Maria, Jullian, Zoya, Anya (Zoya’s sister), and myself.

After dinner we played charades and everyone got pretty drunk. They made a mess of the apartment that was a pain to clean up but it was worth it.

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